Summer Camp: 7/1/18 - 7/7/18

Greetings Scouts and Parents,

Its time for us to get prepared for Summer Camp 2018! We are getting started early this year since we are going to a different camp. After many years of going to Camp Durant the scouts have decided to go to Camp Daniel Boone.

Here are the basics for our Camp Daniel Boone trip.

When Is It?

July 1st through July 7th. (we go this week since it is the one week that all school schedules are off)

Where is it?

Camp Daniel Boone in Canton NC (southwest of Asheville NC)

What will Camp Daniel Boone be like?

In addition to the merit badge work we are used to and all the fun activities we are very excited that Camp Daniel Boone has an extensive high adventure program. This means scouts 13 years and older will be able to participate in high adventure programs including whitewater rafting, zip lines, mountain climbing and other activities. There will also be options for scouts to attend Boonesboro Village, an immersive living history program where you can live like Americans did in the 1770s,

How much will it cost?

Cost will depend on the program you are interested in. While costs are not final we believe they will be close to these.

Standard Program (merit badge classes) : $435.00

Boonesboro Village (see attached info) : $475.00

High Adventure program (see attached info/options): $625.00

There will be additional costs depending on the merit badges chosen

(Note: We know this is an increase to our typical Camp Durant summer camp fees so we are looking to see how we can control costs as much as possible.)

How can I get more information?

We will be having an educational meeting on January 31st after the regular Troop Meeting. You can also visit their website here

https://www.campdanielboone.or g/

Note : If you are interested in high adventure we will need to sign up for the trek in January or early February so a meeting will be held for this.

How can we sign up and reserve a spot?

Go ahead and SIGN UP HERE. We need a deposit of $150.00 written to Troop 350.

Note : If you are interested in high adventure we will need to sign up for the trek very soon.

Who will be responsible for this year's camp trip?

Michael Lawson (Michael Lawson ( and James North (