Merit Badge Counseling

For advancement in the troop, our Scouts must earn Merit Badges and so rely on Adult Merit Badge Counselors to help mentor and teach them with their chosen skills. Troop 350 has a strong set of Merit Badge Counselors but always need more help as Scouts leave the Troop and new Merit Badges are introduced. If you have a skill in a trade or as a hobby, we'd love to have your help!! Please see one of the ASMs at any Troop meeting.

MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR PROCEDURES (Mostly the same for parents and ASMs):

  1. Register - same BSA Adult application. Print/complete only page 5 and bring 2 copies to a Troop ASM.

  2. If MB counselor only, registration is free.

  3. Complete Youth Protection Training (can be done online after registering an account, valid for 2 years and takes 15-20 minutes).

  4. Complete MBC training (optional for now but highly recommended for first-time MBCs). Alternatively, you can read this and this.

  5. Complete the Occoneechee Council Application.

  6. Fax the form to the Occoneechee Council office at 919-872-1159, or Tiffany Adams at tiffany.adams AT email address.

  7. The counselor will be provided a membership card which is valid until December 31 for the current year.

  8. Registration is annual, so you need to re-apply each year.

  9. No need to fill out the BSA Adult application or YPT (unless it is expiring soon), just re-apply using the council MBC form.

  10. The list of merit badges with requirements can be found on the website.

More details on what it takes to be a Merit Badge Counselor can be found on the BSA web site.